C++ 参考手册

位置:首页 > C++ 参考手册 >实验性 C++ 特性 > std::experimental::make_array

定义于头文件 <experimental/array>
template <class D = void, class... Types>
constexpr std::array<VT /* see below */, sizeof...(Types)> make_array(Types&&... t);
(库基础 TS v2)

创建一个 std::array ,其大小等于参数数量,且其元素从对应参数初始化。返回 std::array<VT, sizeof...(Types)>{std::forward<Types>(t)...}

Dvoid ,则推出的类型 VTstd::common_type_t<Types...> 。否则,类型为 D

Dvoid ,且 std::decay_t<Types>... 中任意一者是 std::reference_wrapper 的特化,则程序为病态。


namespace details {
  template<class> struct is_ref_wrapper : std::false_type {};
  template<class T> struct is_ref_wrapper<std::reference_wrapper<T>> : std::true_type {};
  template<class T>
  using not_ref_wrapper = std::experimental::negation<is_ref_wrapper<std::decay_t<T>>>;
  template <class D, class...> struct return_type_helper { using type = D; };
  template <class... Types>
  struct return_type_helper<void, Types...> : std::common_type<Types...> {
                    "Types cannot contain reference_wrappers when D is void");
  template <class D, class... Types>
  using return_type = std::array<typename return_type_helper<D, Types...>::type,
template < class D = void, class... Types>
constexpr details::return_type<D, Types...> make_array(Types&&... t) {
  return {std::forward<Types>(t)... };


#include <experimental/array>
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
int main()
    auto arr = std::experimental::make_array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
    bool is_array_of_5_ints = std::is_same<decltype(arr), std::array<int, 5>>::value;
    std::cout << "Returns an array of five ints? ";
    std::cout << std::boolalpha << is_array_of_5_ints << '\n';


Returns an array of five ints? true


从内建数组创建 std::array 对象